Industrial Control Computers, Inc.

Customers and Products

Customer applications for SBC200B (SBC-200B, SBC200-B, SBC-200-B) & other Single Board Computers.

Adtech Packaging

W. Arthur Company

B&G Manufacturing

Black Clawson

Crest Ultrasonics

DRG Medical Packaging


General Glass Equipment

Magnatech International

Mateer-Burt/Pneumatic Scale

Northern Research and Engineering Corp. (NREC)

Compucon16 Liquid Fillers[1], CWF-100 Series, Sp-100

The Load Leveling Controller

SBC-200B Spindle Speed Controller



Rigibot[4] - Automated Materials Handling System

Automatic Pouch Controller

Fastrac II[5] 

Fastrac V[6]

GT Auto-Level[7] – Glass Tracking Glass Level Detector

BW-7[8] Bobbin Winder

Microset[9] Auger Filler Controller - Neotron[10], Sigma3, Automatic & Semi-automatic

Series9[11] Auger Filler

PPM Labeler

Print and Apply Labeler

Jet Engine Testing System

[1]  Compucon16 is a trade mark of Adtech

[2]  TOOLMATE is a trade mark of B&G Manufacturing

[3]  AccuTail is a trade mark of Black Clawson

[4]  Rigibot is a trade mark of Crest Ultrasonics

[5]  Fastrac II is a trade mark of Fischbein

[6]  Fastrac V is a trade mark of Fischbein

[7]  GT Auto-Level is a trade mark of General Glass equipment

[8]  BW-7 is a trade mark of Magnatech International

[9]  Microset is a trade mark of Mateer-Burt

[10]  Neotron is a trade mark of Mateer-Burt

[11]  Series9 is a trade mark of Mateer-Burt